TLC59116 Library  v0.2
TLC59116 Library Documentation

This provides a high level interface:


  1. An Arduino that is I2C capable, and works with the Wire library.
  1. Arduino IDE version 1.0.5, or 1.0.4. There is a bug that causes a problem in 1.0.6.
  1. At least one TLC59116, wired up and hooked to the default I2C pins of your Arduino.
    1. Something on the outputs, otherwise it's real boring.

I have not tested this with any Makefile setups. Please send me info on how that works for you.


  1. Download the library zip file.
  1. Add the library to the Arduino IDE
    1. (cf. the official instructions)
    1. For Arduino IDE 1.0.5:
      1. Sketch -> Import Library -> Add Library
      1. Then select the downloaded
    1. For earlier versions, follow the "Manual" section of

Getting Started

  1. Wire things up. Someone should write a how-to!
  1. Try the examples.
    1. "examples/basic_usage_single" is the same code as show in the "Usage" section of TLC59116 Class
      1. Open it.
      1. Do the Upload thing.
      1. Oooh. Blinky light.
    1. "examples/test_features" wants you to interact with the serial-console.
      1. Type single-letter commands into the top box, and click send. Try "?".
      1. It has a bunch of behaviors, useful for testing the TLC59116 and your wiring prowess.
    1. "examples/allfeatures" is the source of most of the examples in the documenation.
      1. It compiles.
      1. It probably is not useful to actually run.
      1. But, you can copy & paste from it.
    1. "examples/tlc59116blink" is what I use to do quick tests of wired-up devices.
      1. Read it's comments!
  1. Browse the TLC59116 Class documentation page:
    1. The "Protocol" section describes the order you have to do things.
    1. Further down, the Public Methods section has groups of operations (like "Digital" and "PWM").
      1. (you probably want to ignore that first list of methods)
      1. There's usually a short description of each method.
      1. For example-code, explanations, and more details, click on the method-name.


HTML documentation, with examples, and explanation:


  1. Everything should be in the github repository.
  1. Clone it to mess around. Fork it to keep track of the messing around.
  1. I'm happy to consider pull-requests, especially for bug-fixes, documentation issues, and missing functions.
    1. Please maintain a high-level of documentation.
  1. Requirements for developing:
    1. Source control is by git, with a repository on github.
    1. Documentation is generated by doxygen: doxygen Doxyfile
    1. The .zip files are constructed by gnu-make.
    1. Several other files are constructed by gnu-make (e.g. README.html)
    1. The default make target constructs everything.
      1. It tries to be tolerant of missing tools.
      1. It touches up a few files to insert the git-branch as the version.
    1. Releasing to github is by rules in the makefile, signaled by a flag file ".master-is-release"


  1. I2C scan function adapted from Nick Gammon (written 20th April 2011), Thanks Nick!